Career Accelerator Canada

  • Career


Are you a newcomer to Canada, eager to secure your first job or an ambitious professional seeking to excel in your career within the Canadian job market? Look no further than "Career Accelerator Canada" – our comprehensive mentorship program designed to empower individuals like you with the tools and knowledge needed to succeed in your job search and professional growth.

Program Overview:

"Career Accelerator Canada" is a specialized mentorship program tailored to support individuals seeking employment opportunities in the finance and accounting sectors within the Canadian job market. Our expert mentors possess extensive experience in these domains and are committed to guiding you through every step of the process, from crafting the perfect resume to acing your interviews.

Who Can Benefit:

  • Newcomers to Canada: If you have recently migrated to Canada and are eager to crack your first interview and secure a job in the finance and accounting sectors, this program is designed for you.
  • Career Advancers: Professionals already established in Canada but aspiring to excel in their finance and accounting careers by pursuing better job opportunities will find immense value in this mentorship.

Why Choose "Career Accelerator Canada":

  • Expert Mentorship: Our mentors are seasoned professionals in finance and accounting, well-versed in the Canadian job market's intricacies. Their guidance ensures you receive relevant, practical, and up-to-date advice.
  • Tailored Curriculum: We focus on the specific challenges faced by individuals in the targeted domains, providing industry-specific knowledge and insights.
  • Personalized Approach: Each mentee receives individual attention, allowing us to understand your unique needs and cater for the mentorship accordingly.

Embark on Your Journey to Success:

Don't let uncertainties hold you back in your career. Join "Career Accelerator Canada" today and equip yourself with the skills, confidence, and expertise needed to excel in your job search and professional growth within the Canadian finance and accounting sectors.

Area of Mentoring
  • Resume Review and Drafting
  • Pre-Interview Preparation
  • Mastering the Interview Process
  • Mock Interviews and Feedback
  • LinkedIn Mastery
  • Newcomers to Canada with an accounting and finance background.
  • A person with an accounting and finance background who is looking to switch a job.


Select your mentor
using Mentor selection dropdown

Session Details

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Resume Review and Drafting - Round 1 [Duration 1 hour]

Your journey will begin with a thorough evaluation of your resume by our experienced mentor. He/She will provide personalized feedback and suggestions to ensure your resume showcases your strengths, accomplishments, and potential in the best possible light.

Resume Review and Drafting - Round 2 [Duration 1 hour]

Drafting an outstanding resume is essential to stand out from the crowd. Our mentor will teach you the art of tailoring your resume to specific job roles, highlighting relevant skills and experiences that align with potential employers' needs.

LinkedIn Mastery [Duration 1 hour]

In today's digital world, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and job hunting. Our mentor will guide you on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile, build a compelling online presence, and leverage the platform to connect with industry professionals and recruiters effectively.

Interview Preparation [Duration 1 hour]

Mastering the interview process is crucial for landing your desired position. Our mentors will provide you with insights on how to prepare for interviews, including common interview questions and effective strategies to communicate confidently. From pre-interview etiquette to post-interview follow-ups, our mentor will educate you on the dos and don'ts of the interview process, ensuring you make a positive and lasting impression on potential employers.

Mock Interviews and Feedback - Round 1 [Duration 1 hour]

Practice makes perfect! You will engage in two rounds of mock interviews, simulating real-life scenarios. Receive constructive feedback and personalized coaching to refine your interview skills further

Mock Interviews and Feedback - Round 2 [Duration 1 hour]

Follow-up session on mock interviews & feedback.


Be prepared: Come to each mentoring session with a clear understanding of what you hope to accomplish and what questions you want to ask (Submit as many questions as possible during the booking process). Review any materials or notes from previous sessions to ensure you are up-to-date.

Be respectful: Treat your mentor with respect and professionalism. Avoid interrupting or speaking over them and listen actively to their feedback and advice.

Be open-minded: Be willing to listen to different perspectives and consider new ideas. Don't be defensive if your mentor gives you constructive criticism or feedback.

Be proactive: Take ownership of your own development and ask for specific guidance or support when needed. Don't wait for your mentor to tell you what to do; take initiative to explore opportunities and take action to achieve your goals.

Be communicative: Be clear and honest with your mentor about your progress, challenges, and goals. Keep them updated on any changes or developments that may impact your mentoring relationship.

Be respectful of time: Arrive on time for each session and be mindful of your mentor's schedule. If you need to cancel or reschedule a session, give your mentor ample notice (in accordance with the policy of BookTheMentor) and be respectful of their time constraints.

Be confidential: Respect the confidentiality of your mentoring relationship. Do not share personal or sensitive information about your mentor or other participants in the program without their express consent.

Genuine: Mentee agrees to provide honest and bonafide credentials during the process of registration on the BookTheMentor platform. They shall not use a fictitious identity to register. BookTheMentor is not liable if the Mentor or Mentee has provided incorrect information.

Confidentiality of credentials: Mentee is required to maintain the confidentiality of their account credentials. Any unauthorized access or use of the account should immediately be communicated to the administrator of BookTheMentor at BookTheMentor reserves the right to close your account in case of any illegitimate and unauthorized use of account credentials.

Confidentiality: Mentee shall maintain the confidentiality of all information discussed, gathered, and addressed, not to be disclosed to any person, or entity, apart from BookTheMentor for an indefinite period during or after the duration of the Mentorship. This information includes all such information that may be sensitive and confidential in nature and may discover during the course of Mentorship.

Amounts or gifts to mentor: The mentorship program is being carried out through the BookTheMentor platform and the mentee undertakes not to pay any amounts or offer gifts to the mentor without the prior consent of BookTheMentor and report any such demands for money or gifts made by mentor to BookTheMentor.

Professional interaction: Mentor and mentee is expected to have their interaction professional in nature and agree to respect the integrity and dignity of each other during the course of program.

Harassment: Mentor and mentee shall not engage in any acts or omissions or conduct that may be construed as harassment or abuse (whether physical, mental, emotional, sexual or of any other nature)

Abuse of any other person: Mentor and mentee undertakes not to abuse, harass, threaten, defame, disillusion, erode, abrogate, demean, or otherwise violate the legal rights of any other person or entity.

Personal relationship: Mentor and mentee shall not engage in any conduct that may be construed as initiating, facilitating, contributing or encouraging the development of a personal relationship.

Misrepresentation: Mentee agrees not to impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent his/her affiliation with a person or entity.

Sharing of data: During the sessions, Mentor and Mentee are expected not to share any image/file/data with each other that infringes the copyright, patent or trademark of another person or entity.

Marketing of Products or Services: Mentor and Mentee undertake not to engage in advertising to, or solicitation of, other Mentee/Mentors of BookTheMentor to buy or sell any products or services.

True information: All the information provided by me before/during/after the sessions with Mentor and BookTheMentor is true, correct, accurate and best of my knowledge.


Congratulations on taking a step towards building your future. Your mentor will connect with you within 72 hours via email or via SMS or via WhatsApp to schedule the sessions as prescribed in the premium mentorship program. This is the only time when mentor will connect with you via email or via SMS or via WhatsApp; rest all the session will be conducted through BookTheMentor platform powered by Microsoft Teams platform.

If you do not receive any communication from mentor within 72 hours after purchasing Premium Mentorship Program, you can notify the mentor by clicking on " Request to Schedule" button from your program information page.

Once the mentor has scheduled the session, you will see a “Join The meeting” link on the session bar with the date and time of the session in your mentoring program on the dashboard. Click on the “Join The meeting” link to join the session. You will be redirected to the Microsoft Teams platform or You can join the meeting on the scheduled day and time by using the meeting link received in the email.

The session will be conducted on the Microsoft Teams platform.

Yes, you can request for rescheduling a session by clicking on “Reschedule the Session” button, but it is up to mentor to accept or reject the request based on his availability. It is mandatory for mentees to provide a reason for rescheduling.

The mentor will respond to the rescheduling request within 24 hours if the mentor has accepted the request. If no response is received within 24 hours from the submission of the rescheduling request, it is tantamount to a rejection of the request and the original time slot shall prevail over the requested time slots.

Click on “Request to Schedule” button, to send a notification for scheduling the session to mentor. Mentor will connect with you to schedule the session.

This is an unfortunate event. In this case, email us on We will try our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

No, you cannot change mentor after purchasing the premium mentorship program.

The “Book The Mentor” platform is powered by ConceptHack and Microsoft Teams. The team at has developed this most technologically advanced mentoring platform and they are responsible for all the operational activities from hiring mentors, sending out emails, mentorship session management, mentorship booking management and mentorship issue/conflict management.